Vitus Bering - vertaling naar Engels
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Vitus Bering - vertaling naar Engels

Vitus Jonassen Bering; Vitus Beringius; V. Bering; Ivan Ivanovich Bering
  •  1966 Soviet postage stamp depicting Bering's second voyage and the discovery of the Commander Islands
  • Vitus Bering's expedition being wrecked on the Aleutian Islands in 1741.
  • The grave of Vitus Bering on Bering island
  • Vitus Pedersen Bering]], who was Bering's uncle.</ref>

Vitus Bering         
n. Vitus Bering, (1681-1741) esploratore e navigatore danese, si arruolò nella marina russa ed esplorò l"oceano Pacifico scoprendo lo stretto di Bering, per primo disegnò anche la costa occidentale dell"Alaska
Bering Sea         
  • Aerial view of Tutakoke Bird Camp on the coast of the Bering Sea, south of [[Hooper Bay]]
  • Bering Sea showing the larger of the submarine canyons that cut the margin
Bering Sea and Strait; Bering sea; The Bering Sea; Fishing in the Bering Sea; History of the Bering Sea
il mare di Bering (parte dell"oceano Pacifico fra l"Alaska e la Siberia orientale)
Bering Strait         
  • Satellite image of Bering Strait. [[Cape Dezhnev]], Russia, is on the left, the two [[Diomede Islands]] are in the middle, and [[Cape Prince of Wales]], Alaska, is on the right.
  • [[Defense Mapping Agency]] topographical map of the Bering Strait, 1973
Bering Straits; Bering Straight; Behring Strait; Bering strait; Baring straight; Beiring strait; Ice Curtain; The Bering Strait
stretto di Bering (striscia di mare fra l"Alaska e la Siberia orientale)


St Vitus's dance
¦ noun old-fashioned term for Sydenham's chorea.
so named because a visit to the shrine of the Christian martyr St Vitus was believed to alleviate the disease.


Vitus Bering

Vitus Jonassen Bering (Danish: [ˈviːtsʰus ˈjoːnæsn̩ ˈpe̝(ː)ɐ̯e̝ŋ]; baptised 5 August 1681 – 19 December 1741), also known as Ivan Ivanovich Bering (Russian: Иван Иванович Беринг), was a Danish cartographer and explorer in Russian service, and an officer in the Russian Navy. He is known as a leader of two Russian expeditions, namely the First Kamchatka Expedition and the Great Northern Expedition, exploring the north-eastern coast of the Asian continent and from there the western coast on the North American continent. The Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, Bering Island, the Bering Glacier, and Vitus Lake were all named in his honor.

Taking to the seas as a ship's boy at the age of fifteen, Bering travelled extensively over the next eight years, as well as taking naval training in Amsterdam. In 1704, he enrolled with the rapidly expanding Russian navy of Tsar Peter I (Peter the Great). After serving with the navy in significant but non-combat roles during the Great Northern War, Bering resigned in 1724 to avoid the continuing embarrassment of his low rank to Anna, his wife of eleven years; and upon retirement was promoted to First Captain. Bering was permitted to keep the rank as he rejoined the Russian navy later the same year.

He was selected by the Tsar to captain the First Kamchatka Expedition, an expedition set to sail north from Russian outposts on the Kamchatka Peninsula, with the charge to map the new areas visited and to establish whether Asia and America shared a land border. Bering departed from Saint Petersburg in February 1725 as the head of a 34-man expedition, aided by the expertise of Lieutenants Martin Spanberg and Aleksei Chirikov. The party took on men as it headed towards Okhotsk, encountering many difficulties (most notably a lack of food) before arriving at the settlement. From there, the men sailed to the Kamchatka Peninsula, preparing new ships there and sailing north (repeating a little-documented journey of Semyon Dezhnyov eighty years previously). In August 1728, Bering decided that they had sufficient evidence that there was clear sea between Asia and America, which he did not sight during the trip. For the first expedition, Bering was rewarded with money, prestige, and a promotion to the noble rank of Captain Commander. He immediately started preparations for a second trip.

Having returned to Okhotsk with a much larger, better prepared, and much more ambitious expedition, Bering set off for an expedition towards North America in 1741. While doing so, the expedition spotted Mount Saint Elias, and sailed past Kodiak Island. A storm separated the ships, but Bering sighted the southern coast of Alaska, and a landing was made at Kayak Island or in the vicinity. Adverse conditions forced Bering to return, but he documented some of the Aleutian Islands on his way back. One of the sailors died and was buried on one of these islands, and Bering named the island group Shumagin Islands after him. Bering himself became too ill to command his ship, which was at last driven to seek refuge on an uninhabited island in the Commander Islands group (Komandorskiye Ostrova) in the southwest Bering Sea. On 19 December 1741 Vitus Bering died on the island, which was given the name Bering Island after him, near the Kamchatka Peninsula, reportedly from scurvy (although this has been contested), along with 28 men of his company.